Our Counseling Services

Everyone encounters problems.

Healthy people seek solutions.

Our rigorous training and over 40 years experience equip us to address a wide range of challenges.

Our counseling staff are equipped to walk with you through these common issues:

Couples / Marital

+ Marriage Counseling | The staff are trained marital therapists with many years of experience caring for couples.

+ Divorce Transition | We offer regular counseling services as well as court recognized services for those needing a neutral professional to reconcile an agreement.

+ Infidelity

+ Communication & conflict resolution

Premarital Preparation

Discover what’s working in your relationship and improve in areas needing growth. It’s well established that couples who invest in honest premarital counseling decrease the likelihood of divorce. You can address issues before they grow to a seemingly unmanageable size.

A typical package includes:

+ PREPARE inventory, an online assessment completed by each partner and discussed with the counselor

+ Five premarital therapy sessions, offered at a significantly reduced rate

+ One follow-up session, six to nine months after the wedding

+ Optional consultation with the minister

Common Disorders

+ Depression

+ Anxiety


+ Eating Disorders

+ Personality Disorders

+ Bipolar Disorder

+ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


+ Guidance & support

+ Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

+ Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)

+ Individual & family therapy

+ Single parenting

+ Adult parent-child relationships

+ Child & adolescent development

+ Adoption & foster care

+ Blending families

+ Reconciliation counseling


+ Difficulty in relationships / social interactions / sexual performance

+ Addictions

+ Abuse & trauma

+ Infidelity

+ Gender identity issues

Other Common Experiences

+ Grief & loss

+ Life transitions, like aging, career change, school challenges, etc.

+ Trauma from abuse, neglect, medical issues, war, and natural disasters

+ Observing and addressing troubling behaviors in family and friends

Note: These are the most common disorders. If you struggle with something not listed, don’t hesitate to Contact Us and ask.

Can’t identify your situation with anything listed above? No fear!

This is not a comprehensive list. Contact the office and explain what’s going on.

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