8 Things to Help Beat Depression

Improve the quality of your life by taking control of depression before it takes control of you. Depression can sometimes be managed with a few techniques. A few suggestions to try when you begin to feel down include:

Pay attention to your self-talk.

Stop reminding yourself of all the things presently going wrong. Instead, conjure up memories from happier times. Remember that thought content = Mood.

Stop the negative thinking.

Thought stopping is a simple technique to learn and is very effective in redirecting negative thoughts. A counselor can help you learn this helpful tool.

Avoid social isolation.

Spend time with people you enjoy, those who care about you. Many people also enjoy interacting with a pet to help lift their low mood.

Focus on one day at a time.

Remind yourself that this is a temporary emotional state that will pass.

Write a Gratitude Journal.

At the end of each day, list five things you are grateful for. Read through your journal throughout the day if necessary.

Get active.

Exercise is beneficial in reducing body tension, improving sleep, increasing energy and decreasing stress. Being outdoors often helps elevate your mood; so take a walk, ride a bike, or simply sit on the porch and enjoy God’s creation.

Eat healthy!

Sugar effects depression and irritability. Eating right will help you feel better, give you more energy, and help you look better too (which will likely raise self-esteem).

Enlist the help of a trusted person.

This will help you monitor the depression and give you feedback on what they observe. If you can’t shake free of the depression, seek assistance from a professional counselor.

Written by Lois Trost, M.S.W.