Violence Prevention

  • Threatening speech, text messages, social media postings
  • Workplace bullying, threats, erratic/bizarre behavior, angry terminated employees
  • School bullying or other violence, such as fighting
  • School threats
  • Suicidal attempts or threats, direct or veiled
  • Cyber-Threats
  • Cyber-Stalking
  • Obsessional stalking
  • Intimate partner violence
  • Rejected obsessed lovers
  • People nursing grudges, perceived injustices, or rejection
  • Obsessions with extreme or radical political or religious views
  • Obsession with and access to weapons
  • Preoccupation with violence and violent people
  • A person researching the means of committing violence
  • A person rapidly deteriorating in their thinking or behavior
  • Training for human resource professionals, mental health professionals, and school personnel
  • Recognition of warning signs and concerning behavior
  • Managing troublesome employees before violence occurs
  • Creating a Safe Work Culture

Reach out today to find out more.

Threat Assessment & Threat Management

Christian Family Institute has staff trained in preforming Threat Assessment and Threat Management Services for Schools, Businesses, Churches, or any other organization.


Reach out today to learn more